
Listening and trying to understand your teen

What are they really saying?

By Staci Nappi February 10, 2024

Do we even speak the same language? Do you you have a teen or Tween? I am sure you have noticed their lingo is crazy. The words they use when talking to people, especially each other, makes no sense to me at all. Maybe they should collaborate on a "teen to parent" dictionary so we can understand them better. 

So, have you been called "BRO" yet. I used to get so upset and offender by it. I am over it. lol  Have you been told "that's CAP"? I was finally told that it means it's a lie. In my generation, our ligo made, I thought.I guess I will have to ask my mom.  How does "Cap" translate into  "Lie"? Yesterday, My daughter told her brother to stop "Capping". (lying) He replied "No Cap". (Meaning he was telling the truth.) What????

Who starts the lingo? Seriously, where does this slang come from? And, they all get the same memo, even if they are in different schools and different states. Is it social media? TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube? I play on those sites, but I swear, I don't hear that verbiage on my stuff. Then again, funny cat videos, jump scares and videos like  "Stupid Customer Chronicles' " (my favorite) don't use teen speak. What are they watching? (I am still working on figuring out what the apps can do, how do navigate and what the app is for. I bet, it does a lot more than I use it for. I would love to learn how to use those cool filters. 

Seriously, FR as my kids would say, is there a class to dumb down the social media outlets that they use for us parents? I know it is the same app sometimes, but I am definitely missing something big! Communication with teens is hard enough! I try so hard to keep up with the parlance and monitor what they are doing online, but I don't really think I am in the "Know". What do you do to keep up with the teen lingo and their social media presence?