
Riddles Part 5

Can you or the kids figure it out

By Staci Nappi March 11, 2024

  Can you or the kids guess correctly?  

1) How many gold coins can a leprechaun throw in an empty pot?

2) What do you call a fake Irish stone?

3) I have 1 skin, more than 1 and I can be tasty when I am done. What am I?

4) Why should you never iron a 4-leaf clover?

5) What is at the end of a rainbow?

6) What happens when you do an Irish dance at McDonald’s?

7) Why do leprechauns enjoy recycling?



1. 1. After that, it’s no longer empty.

2. A shamrock

3. A potato

4. You don't want to press your luck

5. The letter W.

6. You to the Shamrock Shake.

7) They like to go Green.